Dear Parent or Guardian,
Illinois Public Act 099-0843 requires schools to request an Asthma Action Plan (AAP) from parents of students with asthma. The asthma action plan must be written by a doctor, kept on file in the office of the School Nurse, and be updated annually. This requirement takes effect on January 1, 2017.
If you currently have an asthma action plan on file for your child, no further action is needed for this year. If your child has asthma and does not have an Asthma Action Plan, please provide a plan to the School Nurse at your child’s school. Blank Asthma Action Plan forms can be found on the District website under forms and Health Services.
In addition to the plan, if your child carries and self-administers an inhaler, a self-administration permission form must be on file in the Health Office. Our new form only requires a parent signature. A doctor’s signature is no longer needed. This form can also be found under “Forms” on the District website. If you have any questions please contact your child’s School Nurse.
Thank You,
Janet Roskopf RN, BSN
Nursing Team Leader
847-997-6681 cell