LIGHT Program Graduation 2017

Huntley Community School District 158 recognized 2017 graduates of the LIGHT (Life Instruction Guiding Huntley Transition) Program at a ceremony on May 23.
The LIGHT Program is a special services transitional program that aims to prepare students ages 18-22 for independent living with supports for employment and education and/or training.
Three students, Krista Dougherty, Brian Gile, and Eli Pitts, were honored.
Dougherty also received the LIGHT Shining Star Award.

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The LIGHT Program works with more than 50 local employers, who provide competitive employment opportunities for students while they work on their educational goals.
About 75% of LIGHT Program students are actively employed, substantially higher than the national labor force participation for individuals with disabilities of 20.4%.
In addition, each graduate completed over 500 volunteer hours and earned a silver cord for their hard work and efforts.
Congratulations to all of the students who graduated, their families, and the community members who support the LIGHT Program.