Huntley 158 families,

We hope your family is staying well. We have just a few quick items and reminders to close out the week:


  • If you have not done so, please fill out the Modified Remote Learning feedback form. This information will be vital to help us improve our instructional practices for all students!
  • K-5 families must complete the opt-in form to indicate their selection to participate in the hybrid learning model or to remain in remote learning. If you have not done so, please do prior to the deadline of Sunday, September 27. Students for whom no selections are made will remain in remote learning through at least the end of the first trimester. Information and the form can be found at
  • All families should complete the monthly COVID-19 Symptom-free Self-Certification for October. This form is required for students participating in any in-person activity in October.
  • We are excited that our Early Childhood Center shared with their families earlier today information on their new hybrid option. ECC families should check the communications sent by the school earlier today for details and the required opt-in form.

Future Planning

There have been many questions about the factors that we consider in our decision-making process as we gradually aim to return to in-person learning. As you may have seen in the K-5 hybrid plan we announced last week, the McHenry County Department of Health has developed a decision matrix to help school districts in their decision making processes during this pandemic. You can find this matrix along with other useful data to help understand the circumstances our District and region is dealing with on our COVID-19 Dashboard.

Please note a change to our Board of Education meeting schedule for October. The Board of Education will now meet according to the following schedule:

  • October 1 Special Meeting 
  • October 8 Special Meeting
  • October 22 Regular Meeting

At the October 8 meeting, we anticipate providing an update on the status of learning plans for our families of students in grades 6-12. The meetings will continue to be held at the District Office Board Room with limited in-person seating in accordance with public health guidelines. 

SPARK Parent Resource Hub and SEL Webinar

Our partners at the Learning Technology Center of Illinois have compiled a Parent Hub with useful information for parents and students in remote learning. In addition to a range of useful online resources, the Center will host a webinar on Social Emotional Learning on September 30. Information and resources can be found at 


This week we’re sharing a new piece of inspiration as well as an update on a previous one. 

Monique BelinWe’re very proud of the work our District continues to do to promote educational equity in all areas of our instruction and operations. Martin Elementary School teacher Monique Belin recently penned an article for Digital Promise, examining the broad question: What is necessary to better support the recruitment and retention of teachers of color?

The article documents the discrepancy between the demographic makeup of the K-12 student population and that of teachers in the U.S., as well as the consequences of this discrepancy for students of color, individuals of color who want to become teachers, and the country’s education system overall. It goes on to explore the advantages of having teachers of color in schools, barriers to becoming and remaining a teacher, and programs and practices to support teachers of color.

In cooperation with Digital Promise, in October Mrs. Belin will host a Virtual Design Studio as part of the organization’s Teacher of Color Pipeline initiative. The program will bring together teachers of color throughout the country for discussion on solutions for the challenges of recruitment and retention of teachers of color. We’re proud of her great and inspiring work!


Last week we shared information about HHS sophomore James Smith’s Eagle Scout project, which included the construction and donation of two beautiful benches at Marlowe. But we gave James short shrift and neglected to mention the other portion of his project, which included the construction of two composite picnic tables and four detached benches for the HHS courtyard. 

James Smith HHS Eagle Scout Project

James is no stranger to philanthropy.  He was the recipient of the MMS Service Award for 8th grade completing over 300 hours of service through middle school. In Silver Cord, as a sophomore, he has already contributed.125 hours to his community while also being in Boy Scouts, Student Council, HOSA, Principals Leadership Council, wrestling, track, honors classes and applying to the Medical Academy and NHS this year. Thank you again, James!

Stay well,

Scott Rowe, Ed.D.