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Huntley 158 families,

Happy new year to you and yours. We hope that the Winter Break allowed your family at least some time to recharge and gear up for the second semester. We know that many of you have been eager for an update regarding a return to hybrid learning, and we are pleased to be progressing toward that goal.

Return to Learn Update

Our Board of Education will convene for a Special Meeting on Monday, January 11, at 6:00 p.m. (open session beginning approximately 7:00 p.m.) to discuss our Return to Learn plan. This meeting will include: 

  • a presentation on our proposed K-5 hybrid model
  • a review of our existing 6-12 hybrid model
  • an update on the public health metrics and guidance from the McHenry County Department of Health
  • discussion of a target date for implementation of hybrid learning. 

In accordance with public health guidelines, the meeting will be held virtually and will be viewable by live stream on our YouTube channel. Formal announcements to come from the meeting will be sent to all families. 

January Student COVID Symptom-Free Self-Certification

All families, please complete the January 2021 self-certification form for each of your students. This screening is required for any student to participate in in-person experiences at our schools.

Parent University: Addressing Mental Health in Younger Children (Webinar)

As part of our Parent University, we are pleased to offer an interactive webinar focused on child mental health and wellness. The webinar will be offered twice: Saturday, February 6, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Thursday, February 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

This webinar is targeted towards District 158 parents and guardians of students in pre-kindergarten through 5th grade.  The goal of the “Addressing Mental Health in Younger Children” webinar is to provide parents and guardians with information and resources regarding:

  • The difference between mental health and mental illness
  • Healthy child development
  • Ways to promote positive mental health
  • The prevalence of mental health problems in children
  • Signs and symptoms of a mental illness
  • Ways to identify and manage a mental health crisis
  • How and when to seek professional help

If you are interested in signing up for this Parent University offering, please complete this registration form indicating your date preference.  Due to the sensitive nature of this topic and the personal discussions that may occur, we will try to keep these sessions small, and if necessary, offer additional training dates to accommodate all who are interested.  Registration will close on Wednesday, January 27.  Please reach out to Kat Romero with any questions.

Weekly Inspiration

Shortly before Winter Break, Huntley High School unveiled a new visual feature near Door 1. As our society continues to label individuals based on any number of affiliations, this new addition shares the kinds of messages all of us—students, staff, families, friends—need to hear these days. These kinds of messages are reinforced daily in our classrooms and schools, and we ask for your continued partnership in reiterating them at home as well.

View the image

As always, good health to you and yours.


Scott Rowe, Ed.D.