LIGHT Program Graduates

The Life Instruction Guiding Huntley Transition (LIGHT) Program celebrated the graduation of six students at a ceremony on May 5, 2021, at Huntley High School.

Graduates were Christine Delgado, Kaleigh Dougal, Karisa Lee, Colin Martinelli, Scotty Ruhl, and Matthew Wojtas.

In his keynote address to the graduates and attendees, Superintendent Scott Rowe noted the pride he felt in both the graduates and the entire LIGHT Program.

“I am filled with pride in seeing the growth this program has made over these 8 years, welcoming wonderful educators who have as much passion for their students as our students do for their own learning. I am filled with pride every time I visit the high school and have the opportunity to interact with our students, and to see them growing as people,” he said.

“I am filled with pride every time I interact with a community member or business leader and they share stories of the positive experiences they have had while working with our LIGHT students. And, I am filled with pride that every surrounding school district is either trying to emulate our program or sending their students to ours, because it is simply the best of its kind for students transitioning to adulthood in the entire area.”

The LIGHT Program was launched in 2013 with the aim of providing transition services for students with special needs aged 18-21.

The program serves students with disabilities who have completed the requirements for high school graduation but who opt to delay acceptance of their diploma to receive additional services to help transition from school to post-secondary life, including employment services, additional education and/or training, and assistance with independent living.

Congratulations to all of the graduates and their families!

View more photos from the event on the Huntley 158 Facebook page

Photos courtesy Mark Loewe