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The District 158 Board of Education voted to approve boundary changes as recommended by the administration at the Board’s March 19, 2015, meeting.

The approved option was presented to the Board at its February meeting as “Scenario 1,” along with two other viable options to reduce overcrowding at Leggee Elementary School. Among other positives, the Board selected the option because it allows changes to be phased in over three years.

Beginning in fall 2015, and for each of the next two years after that, students living in the affected areas who are entering kindergarten or third grade will attend the new boundaries. Students entering other grades will continue to attend Leggee. Families will be given the option to accelerate the phase-in to allow siblings of students moving schools to move to the new boundaries as well.

All Leggee families living in the affected neighborhoods will receive a letter outlining the schools their children will attend next year and, if relevant, options for accelerating the phase-in. Letters will be sent in early April.

In addition, the District is setting dates for open houses for students and families slated to move under the boundary changes. At the open houses, families will get a chance to tour their new schools and meet with administrators. The dates will be included in the letter sent to families.

Affected Neighborhoods

  • Georgian Place and Huntley East of 47/North of Main Street move to the Reed Road Campus.
  • Wing Pointe and Huntley East of 47/South of Main Street move to the Square Barn Road Campus.
  • Middle School boundaries are realigned to enable elementary students on the Reed Rd and Square Barn Campuses to attend middle school on the same campus as their elementary schools.
  • For Leggee students entering middle school, the boundary line would run along Main Street west to Harmony Road.

Click here to view maps of the neighborhoods affected by the changes.

Under the boundary changes, enrollment at Leggee will be reduced by about 600 students over the course of the phase-in.

Middle School Boundaries
Middle school boundary changes will begin taking effect in the fall of 2018. Beginning in fall 2018, and for each of the following two years, incoming sixth-grade students will attend the new boundaries.
Students who entered middle school prior to fall 2018 will remain at the middle school they have begun attending. Students currently attending middle school will not be relocated. Only incoming sixth-grade students will be assigned a middle school based on the new boundaries.

Questions about the changes may be sent to the Registration Office.