Your Presence is Your Power

Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves, reduces stress and makes it easier for them to connect with other students and staff. Attendance data suggests students who attend school regularly learn more in the classroom and are more successful and involved in school as compared to students who are not present. Regular attendance is critically important because students who are absent lose instructional time, as well as opportunities to learn, ask questions and participate in class activities. Due to this, students with poor attendance via excused/unexcused absences and truancies are more likely to fall behind and fail classes, which can impact academic performance. 

Like many school districts across the nation, Huntley 158’s chronic absenteeism has climbed since the pandemic and we need to work together to tackle this problem in our district. We believe that the education of children is a joint effort between parents/guardians and school personnel. Parents can have a positive impact on their child by making regular school attendance a priority. We encourage students and families to build a habit of regular attendance in early grades so students learn right away that going to school on time every day is important. 

Families can support good attendance by:

  • Talking about the importance of good attendance
  • Building regular morning and evening routines
  • Scheduling appointments after school or on days of non-attendance
  • Not permitting missing school unless your child is truly ill
  • Reaching out to the school to discuss the ways the school can support your child, especially if your child is anxious about school (expresses she/he does not want to attend) or has trouble getting to school on time.

Here is a link to documents that summarize important information and changes related to attendance for the 2024-25 school year. These documents can also be found under Resources below.  Beginning this school year, you will notice a difference in how absences are coded.  The purpose of this change is to ensure alignment with ISBE’s requirements on what constitutes an excused absence vs an unexcused absence. 

While some absences are unavoidable, other situations that cause absences can be scheduled on days of non-attendance. Parents will always maintain the decision of whether to send their child to school; however, the schools/district have the decision as to what is excused and what is unexcused. These changes are not meant to be punitive, but meant to build consistency, along with building routines that will assist in strong attendance at school. For more information about our student attendance changes this year, please visit links below and watch for more information in our newsletters and on our social media channels.  

We want our students in school so they can achieve success both in school and post graduation.  This year, we will strive to show students that their presence at school is their power.  By being present in school, students gain the power to directly impact their future. Should your child be ill or absent from school for any reason, please remember to contact the school. For your convenience, attendance phone numbers for each school are listed below.

Resources for Families

School Attendance Lines

Chesak: (847) 659-5711

Conley: (847) 659-3711

ECC: (847) 659-5411

Heineman: (847) 659-4311

Huntley High School: (847) 659-6611

Leggee: (847) 659-6211

LIGHT (847) 659-4928

Mackeben: (847) 659-3411

Marlowe: (847) 659-4711

Martin: (847) 659-5311