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Huntley 158 offers voluntary BinaxNOW testing for our students and staff, in addition to voluntary SHIELD testing. 

The Abbott BinaxNOW test is administered through an anterior nose swab that is then inserted into a credit-card sized test. These tests are at no cost to families with results available within 15 minutes. With parental consent, they can be administered by our fully trained nursing staff in the case of a student becoming symptomatic during the school day. The availability of these resources gives us another opportunity to keep students in school whenever possible. If a student is experiencing a symptom of COVID-19 during the school day, parents will be notified of their child’s symptoms and will be given the option to provide electronic consent for the BinaxNOW test via our testing opt-in form. If a student receives a negative test result, they will be allowed to remain in school. Families who are not currently enrolled in our SHIELD testing program may provide consent for BinaxNOW separately. Parental consent must be obtained prior to testing being administered. 

Parents can find our electronic opt in form here. This single form gives families the choice to provide consent for SHIELD testing, BinaxNOW testing, or both. If you have any questions about the testing procedures or options across the district, please email [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

When would my child be tested using BinaxNOW?
A BinaxNOW test can be administered in the case of a student becoming symptomatic during the school day. If a student experiences one of the symptoms listed below they have the opportunity to be tested in order to remain in school. Parents will be notified of their child’s symptoms and may provide electronic consent for a BinaxNOW test to be administered. If a student tests negative, they will be able to remain in school. Parental consent must be obtained prior to testing.

Symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever or chills – NOTEstudents experiencing these symptoms will be sent home according to our typical school health protocols and will not be tested at school for COVID-19. 
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Vomiting or diarrhea – NOTEstudents experiencing these symptoms will be sent home according to our typical school health protocols and will not be tested at school for COVID-19. 

How long does this test take and where will it be administered?
The BinaxNOW test is a nasal swab that can be administered by our fully trained nursing staff in your students’ building. The test will yield results in approximately 15 minutes, after which your student may return to class with a negative test. If your student tests positive for COVID-19, they will be sent home to follow the appropriate period of isolation.

What happens to my students’ results?
Students’ test results will be available to view in the SHIELD portal. Parents can log in at the following link using the same credentials for our weekly SHIELD testing: https://shieldilportal.pointnclick.com/login_login.aspx 

What happens if they test positive for COVID-19 while at school?
If a student receives a positive BinaxNOW test result during the school day, they will be sent home to follow appropriate isolation procedures.

If my student tests negative, but their symptoms persist, can they remain in school?
Yes, a student may remain at school following a negative COVID-19 test depending on their symptoms. Students who are experiencing a fevervomiting or diarrhea should stay home until they are symptom free for 24 hours, per our school health protocols.

Do I have to consent to BinaxNOW if I have already opted in to the SHIELD testing program for my student(s)?
Yes. We ask that all parents provide separate consent for the BinaxNOW test to be administered to their child(ren). This process involves the same electronic opt-in form used for our SHIELD testing program. Simply select your preferences from BinaxNOW tests, SHIELD saliva tests, or both, and your child will be added to the appropriate testing roster.