What is RtI?
In official terms, Response to Intervention is . . .
- A school-wide, multi-level instructional and behavioral system for preventing school failure;
- Screening;
- Progress Monitoring; and
- Data-based decision making for instruction, movement within the multi-level system, and disability identification (in accordance with state law).
In a nutshell, RtI is . . .
RtI is a system designed to ensure that all students reach high levels of achievement.
RtI Frequently Asked Questions
What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.
What does PBIS do?
PBIS is a proactive systematic approach that helps students improve their behavior in each grade level. It establishes behavioral support needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. All staff members work together to consistently teach, model and reinforce the school behavior expectations. These expectations are used across all setting in the school, including areas like PE, the cafeteria, the playground, the bus, and the bathrooms.
PBIS Frequently Asked Questions