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Among the primary areas of focus is to provide professional development to staff members to enhance diversity and inclusion practices. The District aims to equip every staff member with the competency, comfortability, and resources required to recognize bias, combat discrimination, take reports of discrimination with seriousness and sensitivity, and initiate appropriate discussions about topics of diversity and inclusion.
The District welcomed the passing of Illinois Public Act 100-0014, which became law on July 1, 2017. The act requires in-service training for school personnel to include training to develop cultural competency, including understanding and reducing implicit racial bias.
A training module covering the requirements of this act has been made available to all staff members. In addition, additional modules covering diversity, cyberbullying, and other relevant topics have been made available to staff as plans for a more holistic professional development program are developed.
Materials and curricula from the Southern Poverty Law Center, Hanover Research, and other resource providers are currently under review for possible inclusion in required professional development.
In addition, administrators have been attending professional development in preparation for implementation of restorative justice practices over the coming years.