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Become a Volunteer – The Foundation Board welcomes volunteers and provides a variety of ways to get involved. You may also choose to volunteer your time for a special project or event. As events are scheduled, volunteer opportunities are posted on our webpage.

Support our Projects and Events

  • Attend a Foundation event or fund raiser.
  • Sponsor a specific project or program on our Fund-A-Need list.
  • Make a Donation – Your financial gift can and will have a lasting impact on the opportunities the District 158 Education Foundation is able to provide.

The Education Foundation encourages charitable giving by parents, individuals, alumni, and businesses. You can invest in the Education Foundation’s charitable efforts in a variety of ways:

  • Make a financial donation.
  • Request a corporate matching donation.
  • Make a contribution in memory of a loved one.
  • Organize an alumni class donation.
  • Honor a favorite teacher or a family member through a financial contribution.

Thank you for supporting the District 158 Education Foundation!