Students requiring support are required to prepare for employment before obtaining a job. Before a student begins their job search, the vocational team works with students to teach Pre-Employment Transition Services (PTS). PTS are the skills required for employment and broadly include the following: job exploration counseling, work-based learning experiences, counseling on post-secondary education, workplace readiness training, instruction in self-advocacy.
After the IEP team determines a student is ready for competitive employment, students will apply for jobs/internship with support from D158, if needed.
Competitive employment is work that is performed on either a full- or part-time basis in which individuals are compensated for their work. The compensation paid must be at or above minimum wage
District 158 does not have competitive employment opportunities that are readily available. Obtaining employment with support takes time. When a student and the IEP team has determined a student is ready for competitive employment, students will request support from job coaches.
The role of the job coach is to teach you/your child how apply to businesses that are hiring and navigating the hiring process. Competitive employment experiences aid in students developing desirable work habits and realistic career goals, provide opportunities for students to explore careers, encourages the development of social and personal skills needed to maintain employment, and teaches students the skills needed to acquire and maintain employment long after they have exited from Special Education.