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WATCH: Asian | How You See Me

WATCH: Asian | How You See Me CLICK HERE TO VIEW  "Chinese are not the same as Japanese, are not the same as Koreans, Filipinos, or Thai, or Indians..." We talked with people from a variety of Asian cultures about how they think the world sees them. How does the world see YOU? Do you…

WATCH: Laura Lim’s TedTalk about Asian stereotypes (6-8)

WATCH: Laura Lim’s TedTalk about Asian stereotypes (6-8) CLICK HERE TO VIEW  Asians are stereotyped everywhere, from media to school. This talk explores the overall problems that are faced from this experience, as well as helpful solutions to stop these perceptions. 

WATCH: Being Asian in America – Pew Research Center

WATCH: Being Asian in America - Pew Research Center CLICK HERE TO VIEW  In a new Pew Research Center analysis based on 66 focus groups conducted in the fall of 2021, Asian American participants described navigating their own identity in a nation where the label “Asian” brings expectations about their origins, behavior and physical self.…

Recognizing American Diversity