Huntley 158 Seal

Hello Huntley 158 Parents & Families:

The start of the 2021-22 school year is here! I hope the excitement of returning to school is as present in your households as it is in Huntley 158. Over the past three months, we have spent time thoughtfully planning for our students’ return, responding to the needs of our community, and communicating the many facets of our plan with you all. While these efforts will be ongoing as we navigate the months ahead, tomorrow marks the continuation of our work in the classroom, and a renewal of our commitment to ensure the best possible educational experience for all of our students.

In Huntley 158, we continue to find ways to innovate, inspire, empower and create, no matter the obstacles before us. I firmly believe that the experience, understanding and endurance we have gained in these challenging times leave us better prepared to find success in the year ahead. 

Entering the Building on August 18 & 19

Wednesday, August 18: First Day of School for Grades 1-12
Thursday, August 19: First Day of School for Preschool & Kindergarten

As our buildings return to full capacity this week, we’d like to reiterate some safety precautions that will be in place as we start the year. 

  • Appropriate and well-fitting masks are required of all students and staff in our buildings, so be sure to bring your mask to school. If a student does not have a mask, they will be supplied a disposable mask at their building. 
  • Daily symptom certification is no longer required of students. 
  • If your student is sick or experiencing symptoms, please keep them home from school.
  • Please continue to complete proper and frequent hand hygiene and follow all signage while in our buildings. 

SHIELD Testing: Opt Out Reminder
All students and staff in Huntley 158 will have the opportunity to participate in weekly SHIELD COVID-19 testing within our buildings. If you do not want your student(s) to participate in this testing program, please remember to turn in a signed Opt Out form to your student(s)’ building. If you are unable to print a form, please contact your building’s front office to receive a copy of the form. For more information about the SHIELD testing process, please visit our website here. More information about specific testing locations and times at each building will be provided on August 20.

Advance Child Tax Credit
As part of the American Rescue Plan, the IRS has made important changes to the Child Tax Credit that may help many families receive advance monthly payments. Taxpayers may receive part of their credit in 2021 before filing their 2021 tax return. For more information on your eligibility and payments, click here.

McHenry County Rental & Utility Assistance
As a result of the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the McHenry County Rental & Utility Assistance Program provides financial support to families and individuals that are at-risk of homelessness. The program can pay rental arrears and past due utility bills fully as well as offer financial support for rent going forward. The program’s goal is to provide families in our community the ability to get back on track, find employment, and care for their families.To check if you qualify for emergency assistance, please visit or email [email protected].

Huntley 158 Nominated for a Cleanie Award®!
Huntley 158 has been nominated for a Cleanie® People’s Choice Award: Project of the Year for our work in renewable energy all across the district. Please consider supporting Huntley 158 and cast your vote today to help our community gain recognition for their investment in a cleaner future. You can vote up to 5 times every 5 minutes, so vote early and often. Vote for us here!

As we embark on another year together, I want to say thank you for your patience, support and dedication to the children of our community. We are continuously grateful to serve the students and families in Huntley 158.


Scott Rowe, Ed.D.
