The Huntley 158 Education Foundation is committed to funding educational programs and projects to enhance the learning experiences of Huntley Community School District 158 students.
As such, the Education Foundation was pleased to award $6,327.96 in grants to Huntley Community School District 158 educators in the 2018-19 school year. Grant awards included an exciting entrepreneurial project for students with special needs, advanced hands-on equipment for HHS Medical Academy students, books in a wide variety of genres, reading toolkits, Math Team contest fees, and more!
Thanks to matching funds from the HHS Fine Arts Boosters, the Education Foundation was also able to provide funding for the purchase of technical effects equipment for the District’s Performing Arts Center. This is especially exciting since nearly every student in the District has the opportunity to experience the more than 8 plus stage productions that take place each school year in addition to learning more about the arts programs.
A list of past grant recipients is available here.
The Huntley 158 Education Foundation is pleased to announce that it is now accepting 2023-24 Grant Applications!
The Huntley 158 Education Foundation is committed to funding educational programs and projects to enhance the learning experiences of Huntley Community School District 158 students.
As such, the Education Foundation is pleased to announce they are now accepting 2023-24 Grant Applications. Applications will be accepted through 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 18, 2022. All applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of their application. Recipients will be announced in January 2023.
All grant proposals must be directly linked to classroom learning objectives. Examples of grant proposals include computer software, audio/video equipment, curriculum supplements, reading materials, science lab equipment, assemblies, and library materials.
Please note: The Foundation will no longer be accepting grant requests for field trips.
Foundation grants are made:
- after individual review for merit, feasibility and benefit to children
- only for programs that directly benefit instruction and enrichment
- solely at the discretion of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Please contact Angela Kossaris via email or at ext. 6183 with any questions. Proposals submitted but not selected for funding are added to our Fund A Need Requests list after each granting cycle.
The Fund-A-Need List is provided as an opportunity for individuals, local businesses, and corporate sponsors to adopt and fund innovative ideas to enrich and enhance educational opportunities and assist students in achieving academic excellence. All donations are tax deductible. To view the Fund A Need list, click here.
Thank you for supporting the Huntley 158 Education Foundation!