Each year, the District is required to disseminate an annual report card that includes information on the District as a whole and each school served by the District, with aggregate and disaggregated information for each required subgroup of students including: student achievement on academic assessments (designated by category), graduation rates, district performance, teacher qualifications, and other information required by federal law.
In 2018, the State added a number of new dimensions to the annual report card. Among the additions were summative designations for every school in the state. Schools are designated as one of the following as an overall description of a school’s service to students based on multiple factors and compared to other schools in the state: Exemplary School, Commendable School, Underperforming School, or Lowest Performing School. These designations provide a public benchmark for each school’s progress toward the goal of preparing all students for success in college and career. Huntley District 158 uses this data to review trends, compare results from different data sources, evaluate programs and initiatives, and put in place improvement plans at each school.
While the data represented on the Huntley District 158 report card provides only a snapshot of the entire district, the data available on the Illinois State Board of Education website is more extensive and allows community members a broader view of each individual school.
We encourage you to explore the Illinois School Report Card for District 158 or your child’s school by selecting the links below.