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Last year, Huntley 158’s Board of Education approved a comprehensive decision making model last March which allows our level of mitigations to be locally controlled. This framework accounts for factors such as in-district positivity rate, community transmission, strain on the healthcare system and strain on schools. Based on this, the following revised mitigations will be present in our schools to begin the 2022-23 school year:


Masking will be optional, recommended, or strongly recommended for all students, staff and visitors in Huntley 158 schools and on school buses based upon the district’s mitigation zones. Masks are expected to be worn when visiting the health office.

Hand Hygiene

Hand sanitizing stations are available in all classrooms and common areas. Proper hand washing will be encouraged throughout the day.

Isolation of Positive Cases

Isolation of positive cases remains the same:
Positive cases will isolate for 5 days.
On days 6-10, masks are expected to be worn while in school.
On days 6-10 students will eat lunch in a designated area where 6 feet of separation can be maintained.

Voluntary Testing

Voluntary SHIELD testing will be available weekly on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Martin Elementary School. Students and staff who opt in to testing will be able to test once a week for free. Take home tests will be available to all interested students and staff for at-home collection and drop off at Martin Elementary on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Cleaning & Disinfecting

Routine cleaning and disinfecting of high touch surfaces is performed in all buildings.

Stay Home When Sick

Most importantly, all students and staff should stay home when sick or showing symptoms and communicate positive cases with the school nurse.

Physical Distancing

No physical distancing is required for students or staff unless they have tested positive for COVID-19 (see days 6-10 above).

Mitigation Zones Associated with COVID-19 Risk Level

Click this metric to view COVID-19 incidence rate on the McHenry County Department of Health’s community dashboard.
Click this metric to view vaccination rates by county and age group, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

District Response Metrics & Action Plan:

How will Huntley 158 determine the risk of COVID-19 in our schools?

These metrics have been selected in order to provide a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the incidence of COVID-19 and its impact on our school system. Metrics have been identified using guidance from public health organizations including the CDC, IDPH and MCDH in the following areas:

What is the process for deciding if a change needs to be made to the district's Mitigation Zone?

The district will use all of the metrics listed above in tandem to inform the need for a change in mitigation measures. If metrics shift towards higher rates of transmission of COVID-19 (i.e. high in-district positivity rate, increase in hospitalizations, high and/or increasing community transmission, or a significant number of outbreaks identified by the McHenry County Department of Health in our schools), then the district leadership team will work in consultation with our local health officials to determine if a change is warranted.

How will I be informed if a change is being made?

The district will communicate any changes in our mitigation strategy with staff and families as soon as it becomes necessary. Staff and families can expect communication from the superintendent via our mass notification system by email, text or phone call and through our website at huntley158.org.

Will this be a district-wide decision?

Yes, mitigation measures will be reflected across the entire district and will not change from building to building.

View Superintendent Dr. Rowe’s Reports to the Board of Education here: