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Lawn Care & Pest Control Product Applications

As required by School Code, notification of scheduled applications of pesticide, herbicide, and/or fertilizer products must be made to interested community members, parents and staff prior to applications of such products. District 158 will offer email notifications to interested parties prior to all applications and in the event of a cancellation of a scheduled application. If you would like to receive notice of product applications, please email [email protected] and include Product Applications in the subject line.

AHERA Compliance

In accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, we are notifying you that Huntley 158 is in compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). All Huntley 158 schools and the administrative offices are asbestos free to the best knowledge of all parties involved in the construction of these facilities. To see a copy of the management plan or if you have questions, please contact Doug Renkosik, Director of Operations and Maintenance, at (847) 659-6161 or at [email protected].